Food Revolution Network

VIDEO: Can You Eat to Starve Cancer?

Eat to starve cancer with cancer-fighting foods

Is it possible to eat to starve cancer?

The answer is yes! A newer way to think about cancer treatment and treating other diseases is called antiangiogenesis, which means preventing the formation of blood vessels that are needed to feed cancer.

Cancer, and some other diseases, including Alzheimer’s, are a result of too many blood vessels. So, what is the best way to prevent the growth of these blood vessels that tumors need to grow?

Choosing to consume cancer-fighting foods that are naturally antiangiogenic, such as red grapes, garlic, parsley, and green tea.

By consuming these foods, cancer tumors are starved to death because they don’t have the blood supply they need to survive.

Watch this fascinating video from Dr. William Li, president of the Angiogenesis Foundation, to learn more about antiangiogenesis, eating to starve cancer, and how these findings can help other health issues too, including obesity.

As science continues to show us, food really is medicine.

What are your thoughts? Does this change the way you think about cancer treatment?


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