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31 Sensational Reasons You (and Everyone) Should Join The Food Revolution Summit!

12 min read

We bet you’ll be convinced when you read these 31 reasons to join the Food Revolution Summit...

Update: The 2018 Food Revolution Summit is over. But you can own all the life-changing presentations for life when you sign up now.

Stay tuned for information about the 2019 Summit.

Here are 31 reasons why you and everyone who cares about their health and the health of the world should join the Food Revolution Summit 2018.

The 7th annual Food Revolution Summit is happening from April 28th to May 6th. And it’s going to change — possibly even save — many lives. This global, online event features high-quality, up-to-date expert interviews and has touched more than 800,000 people. Could you be next?

Imagine not only living but thriving into your 80s, 90s, and beyond. Imagine having abundant energy and a clear, healthy brain and feeling great now and every day as you age. Imagine knowing simple steps and powerful foods to prevent needless disease and suffering.

This reality can be yours. See why it’s time for you and everyone to join the Food Revolution Summit 2018an educational journey in using food as medicine for people and the world.

31 Reasons to Join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit

In case you don’t know: The Food Revolution Summit is a 9-day, online event hosted by father-and-son team John and Ocean Robbins and put on by the Food Revolution Network, an online education and advocacy organization working for “healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all.”

Each day of the Summit, you’ll get to hear three approximately 45-minute interviews broadcast at 11 am, 12 am, and 1 pm Eastern time.

When you join, you’ll discover up-to-date research, tips, and tools from 24 of the top food and health experts in the world. This is information you can put to use to change your life and the world for the better.

Here are 31 reasons to join this virtual event today:

Reason #1: We need a food revolution more than ever. And the revolution needs you!

More people today are chronically ill than at any time in history. And when it comes to food and health, the stakes are rising exponentially.

In fact, in the U.S., we’re spending three-quarters of our healthcare dollars on managing chronic disease in the U.S. And tens of millions of people are getting sick and dying from preventable diseases.

People are suffering from strokes before the age of 45. Teenagers are getting type 2 diabetes. And by age 10, nearly all kids have fatty streaks in their arteries. Our food has become toxic. Pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, GMOs, and harmful, untested chemicals are rampant. Almost 30% of people in the world are obese or overweight. Yet 20 million people are facing starvation.

The world needs more people to rise up, take a stand, and demand change. The 2018 Food Revolution Summit is a fabulous opportunity to get informed and empowered to help shift the course of food history.

Reason #2: You won’t hear these powerful, penetrating interviews anywhere else.

During the Food Revolution Summit 2018, we’ll bring together 24 of the top food and health experts and thought-leaders on the planet in a focused and well-organized way.

These are food revolution leaders who are working to improve and shape the future of our food. You’ll get exclusive access to critical, all-new, up-to-date information you won’t get on the mainstream news or anywhere else all in one place.

Reason #3: Get inspired, motivated, and empowered like never before!

African American couple dancing in kitchen

If you’re looking for inspiration and motivation to take charge of your life and your health and feel hopeful about the world, this is the event you need to attend.

We hear from many people who tell us that the Food Revolution Summit is their favorite online summit — and not only that, they say it’s the best, most informative summit they’ve ever attended because it’s not only packed with useful information and paradigm-shifting perspectives; it’s also full of heart.

Last year, Marjorie R. told us: “This summit has been inspiring. Thank you for bringing it to us. I am learning a lot from all of you and especially enjoy the truth, respect, and love that so clearly comes through in these conversations.”

Ready to join now?

You can learn more and join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit here.

Reason #4: It’s totally free!

You can participate in the whole Summit — 9 days, 24 experts, an experience of a lifetime  — for no cost to you.

And you can invite your friends and family and your networks to join you on this unique journey for free.

Reason #5: You can experience the Food Revolution Summit from anywhere you want when it’s convenient for you.

When you join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit, you can easily tune in and listen to the interviews when they are broadcast and on replay from anywhere you want. Indeed, people join this global event from almost every country on Earth.

Listen from your home or while you go to the gym or run errands. Or you can listen while you chat with the Summit community on the broadcast page. Enjoy all the interviews or as many as you want.

And if you’re not able to catch the presentations when they broadcast (maybe you’ll be at work or have other plans) — don’t worry! You can experience the day’s interviews on replay for 21 hours. This means you have the freedom to watch on your own time.

Reason #6: Learn about many facets of health from stellar speakers all in one event!

From GMOs and brain health to weight loss, detoxing, and food safety, this online event covers an abundance of information from a variety of speakers and gives you proven, trustworthy advice on food for your body and soul, and your planet.

This year, speakers include doctors Joel Fuhrman, Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, and Michael Greger. As well as powerful food revolutionaries, such as Vani Hari, Kris Carr, Vandana Shiva, Chris Wark, and many more.

Ember B. told us: “Year after year, this is the most valuable collection of current information to get truly empowered in your food choices to achieve radical health.

See the whole incredible speaker lineup and join the Summit here.

Reason #7: Experience the incredible interviewing skills and wisdom of food revolution leader John Robbins.

John Robbins, who guides the interviews, is a food movement leader and one of the world’s leading spokespersons on healthy food for a sustainable world.

He’s the award-winning, 2-million-copy author of multiple bestselling books, including Diet for A New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Your Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth.

During the Summit, he interviews all the food and health experts. He’s able to engage each speaker in a totally unique way. We hear from many people who are amazed at his interviewing style.

For example, last year, Khadijah N. told us: “John is a brilliant interviewer, the best I have heard on a summit.

What makes John’s interviewing so special? Before the interviews happen, John spends months selecting the experts and researching each speaker — reading their books, watching their videos, and getting to know them and their work.

During the conversations with the experts, he doesn’t only touch on surface topics. He’s able to dive deep and draw out unique and compelling information. And he weaves threads of unity among diverse but related views.

John’s vast knowledge of food, the food industry, and nutrition studies, along with his heartfelt wisdom, combines for an experience that pulls you in, takes you on a journey, and leaves you feeling inspired and ready to change your life and the world.

Reason #8: Enjoy the insightful takeaways and enthusiastic energy of food revolution leader Ocean Robbins.

Ocean Robbins is the son of John Robbins. He’s the CEO of the Food Revolution Network. And he’s an internationally acclaimed speaker and facilitator who has spoken in person to more than 250,000 people from 65+ nations.

Between interviews, Ocean shares his top takeaways, answers questions from the community, gives away prizes, and highlights what’s coming next. He brings to the Summit a contagious enthusiasm, a deep level of consciousness, and an impressive knowledge of food and health.

Last year, Carolyn Y. told us: “Ocean is always so kind, caring, and informative.

Reason #9: See why it’s possible to take your health in your hands — no matter your age.

closeup of a hands holding blueberries

You don’t need to only depend on doctors and your genes to determine your health and your fate. The Food Revolution Summit will show you that you have the power to shape what your future looks like.

And you can take an active role in your health whether you’re 20 or 80. As Ocean says, “It is never too late to step into a healthier life.”

The Summit doesn’t only tell you taking charge of your health is possible; this event shows you how. For example, you’ll learn how Chris Wark beat stage III cancer and gain lessons you can use in your life — whether you or anyone you love have cancer or not.

Ready to join the 2018 Food Revolution Summit?

Take charge of your health and join the Summit here.

Reason #10: Get simple, proven healthy eating tips you can start using right away.

Knowing how to eat for your health and deciding what foods to eat can be confusing and overwhelming. Misinformation and conflicting advice are everywhere on social media and in the news.

But during the 2018 Food Revolution Summit, you’ll learn specific steps and delicious foods you can start using in your life immediately and for the rest of your life.

And you’ll learn why these steps and these foods are proven to improve your health from doctors and medical experts you can trust.

Reason #11: Learn how to take steps to prevent (and even reverse!) some of the top deadly diseases of our times — and thrive.

As Ocean says:

If you eat the standard American diet, you’re going to get the standard American diseases. Studies show that what we’re eating is the leading cause of obesity, heart disease, cancer, dementia, autoimmune disease, and type 2 diabetes.”

During the 2018 Food Revolution Summit, you’ll get the latest breaking news updates about what science is saying about the power of food to heal.

Reason #12: Learn life-changing information you can use to help other people and the world.

If you want to be a positive influence on the people you love and help others improve their health and their lives, you can use the knowledge you gain from the Summit to help others and the world.

Reason #13: Be part of an incredible 300,000+ community — and no longer feel alone.

group of people sitting in line with arms on each others' shoulders

When you join the Summit, you’ll instantly become part of a community. Each day of the Summit, you’ll feel a little stronger.

You’ll hear stories and tips from others. And you’ll no longer feel like you’re the only one who wants to live differently or cares about our future and the planet.

Masumi Y. said: “Your summit has opened my eyes, mind, heart, and body little bit by little bit every day.

Reason #14: Learn life-changing, eye-opening information — whether you know a lot or a little about food and health.

The Food Revolution Summit brings together all kinds of people. From doctors and health professionals to parents and activists, everyone is welcome.

If you’ve attended these Food Revolution Summits in the past, you’re sure to discover new, useful information. You might even learn something that changes your life — or the life of someone you love!

Donna C. said: “I am amazed how much new information can be gathered in one additional year. Just when I believe I have the full picture, you surprise me with another great insight.

Do you want to discover new useful information about health?

Join the Food Revolution Summit to get exclusive access to top food and health experts.

Reason #15: Get real answers to critical food questions — so you can cut through the confusion and make healthy choices.

One of the top things we hear from people is that they’re confused about important food issues. It can be difficult figuring out which foods are best for your health. And not knowing the truth can be dangerous to your health.

If you want to get past the hype and discover what data says about protein, sugar, carbs, weight, dairy, and other important food topics, this is the event to get the truth about the most pressing food questions in understandable, actionable ways.

Joni D. said about the Food Revolution Summit: “Everything just rings true. The messages from the Summit simplify, educate, and motivate.

Reason #16: Discover simple, affordable foods that will supercharge your health, help you perform at your best, and add life to your years.

selection of variety of fruits and vegetables

The foods discussed during the Food Revolution Summit aren’t exotic, unusual foods. These are foods you can find and consume every day.

Reason #17: Get quick, easy, healthy recipes you can make every day of the Summit and beyond.

Each day, you’ll get a new revolutionary recipe, which often includes foods mentioned during the Summit.

In addition, each plant-powered, nutrient-dense recipe is easy to prepare in under 30 minutes or less, giving you a variety of delicious, healthy eating options you’ll love.

The Summit is happening soon!

Join now to claim your spot.

Reason #18: Learn how beating cancer is achievable (in many cases) and how you can prevent and fight cancer … with food.

More than 12 million people worldwide get cancer each year. But according to the latest research, you can do a lot to defeat cancer and protect yourself and your cells with the right food.

Reason #19: Learn how to keep your brain healthy at every age and avoid mental decline — yes, it is possible!

cartoon brain weightlifting

Half the people in the U.S. who reach the age of 85 will have Alzheimer’s.

But brain fog, loss of memory, confusion, and disorientation aren’t normal results of aging. You’ll learn how you can optimize your brain’s health now and as you age.

Reason #20: Learn hidden dangers in our food supply and how you can protect yourself and your family.

Did you know? The governmental agencies that determine if a food additive is safe have ties to the industry that created the additives — how can that be fair?

Speaker Vani Hari has devoted her life to calling out food companies for unhealthy ingredients and educating consumers about foods to eat and avoid. Her interview will help you take control of what you’re eating and clean up your diet to improve your health.

Reason #21: Learn information Monsanto and other big agribusiness companies don’t want you to know.

Concerning GMOs, pesticides, and chemicals in the food we eat, a lot has been hidden to keep consumers unaware of the risks and dangers.

But you’ll be shocked and empowered when you find out what speaker Carey Gillam has uncovered. She’s a veteran journalist, researcher, writer, and author of the new book Whitewash – The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science.

The time for change is now!

Join 300,000 people worldwide for the 2018 Food Revolution Summit.

Reason #22: Learn why the end of heart disease — the #1 leading killer in the U.S. — is possible.

Speaker Joel Kahn, MD, a leading cardiologist, will tell you how we can save millions of lives and end the heart disease epidemic forever — with food!

Reason #23: Learn new discoveries about brain and gut health that could FINALLY solve your health struggles.

Science is showing us that brain health and brain diseases are determined by what’s going on in the gut. Speaker David Perlmutter will tell you all about the gut-brain connection and proven ways to protect your brain.

Reason #24: Learn the truth about dairy the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know.

Do we need dairy to get calcium and for good health like so many people believe or have we been fooled by industry messages?

From speaker Neal Barnard, MD, you’ll learn the truth about dairy, what makes it so addictive, and how to create positive change for you and those you love.

Reason #25: Learn about weight loss from a neuroscientist who has helped people in 100+ countries release 400,000 excess pounds.

From speaker Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD — an expert in the psychology of eating — you’ll find out the real reason why brains block weight loss and how to train your brain to love what’s good for you.

Reason #26: Learn the (real) truth about protein.

From Kathy Freston, the author of Clean Protein: The Revolution that Will Reshape Your Body, Boost Your Energy—and Save Our Planet, you’ll find out how much protein you actually need, where to get it, and why it matters.

Reason #27: Ask your questions and get answers.

John and Ocean will answer many questions from the community during the Summit, so your question might be answered live.

To take part in the FREE Food Revolution Summit 2018, you do have to register!

Register here now.

Reason #28: Learn the truth about the biggest food myths.

Speaker Anna Lappé is a bestselling author and an advocate for food sustainability and justice. Anna will debunk some of the most devastating food myths of our times. And she’ll discuss critically important topics, such as climate change, industrial agriculture, and organic food.

Reason #29: Learn ways we can improve the restaurant industry and fight against sexual harassment.

From speaker Saru Jayaraman, an attorney, author, and activist dedicated to improving wages and working conditions for restaurant workers, you’ll be shocked by the extent of the sexual harassment in the food industry — and empowered to discover what you can do about it. If change is going to happen, we all need to take part!

Reason #30: Learn how the answer to feeding the world is healthy, sustainable food.

Speaker Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned physicist and a champion for environmental sanity. Vandana will expose the dangerous myths surrounding global food production. And she’ll offer a compelling vision for how we can sustainably feed a thriving humanity.

Reason #31: You won’t feel like you’re missing out when all your friends and family are experiencing this amazing event without you!

What are you waiting for? Join the Food Revolution Summit 2018 now to claim your spot before this revolutionary, life-changing event begins.

And if you have questions, ask them below in the comments or email us at

Update: The 2018 Food Revolution Summit is over. But you can own all the life-changing presentations for life when you sign up now

Stay tuned for information about the 2019 Summit.

Are you inspired? If so, please share this article now because we need your help to spread this important information to as many people around the world as possible. Let’s make change happen, together!

The Food Revolution Summit is an educational journey using food as medicine for people and the world.

#FoodRevolution #GetEmpowered
