Food Lifestyle

Processed Vs. Natural Foods: A Children’s Story to Watch with Your Kids

< 1 min read

Getting your kids to eat fresh fruits and vegetables can be difficult, especially when you consider all the bright packaging and money — approximately $2 billion per year — food companies spend to market their foods to children. But the video below is a great way to introduce the concept of processed vs. natural foods

Getting your kids to eat fresh fruits and vegetables can be difficult, especially when you consider all the bright packaging and money — approximately $2 billion per year — food companies spend to market their foods to children.

But the video below is a great way to introduce the concept of processed vs. natural foods to kids and to inspire them to eat healthier and to talk about food marketing.

Bettina Elias Siegel, who runs a blog about children and food called The Lunch Tray, created this children’s story “to help young kids become a little savvier about media messages they encounter and to get them thinking about healthful eating.”

So we invite you to watch this with your kids or kids you know and to start a discussion. And we’d love if you came back and told us in the comments what kids think about this story.